Azealia Banks has continued to rant about the LGBT community after hurling a gay slur at a Delta flight attendant last week.

As we previously reported, Banks called the male flight attendant a “f***ing f***ot” after getting into a fight with him over her desire to get off the plane as soon as possible. TMZ was the first to report the video.

She has since taken to Twitter to deny she’s homophobic, writing "I am bisexual. my brother is trans. My employees are all gay men. Nothing else to say.”

On Sunday, she continued to write about the incident, calling those in the LGBT community “weak.”

"All I had to do was say one word and I moved a whole community,” she tweeted. “What weaklings!!! And this blood moon is a BONUS on top of it all!!!! If I am to be a part of an LGBT community I want to be in it with people who aren't so weak or so easily moved ya know.”

She went on to say she isn’t offended when people call her derogatory names, and advised them to “toughen up!!!”

“Don't be so weak !!!” she wrote. “If one word can put your entire community in distress you're DOOMED. Words are not tangible things. You all CHOSE to get upset. Remember... Offense is only TAKEN, it is never given.”

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