Bill Nye is speaking out about abortion in his recently released video “Can We Stop Telling Women What to Do With Their Bodies,” by Big Think

According to Washington Post Nye states “To squander resources on this argument based on bad science, on just lack of understanding is very frustrating.” Nye points out scientific facts focusing primarily on the fact that eggs fertilize frequently and that it's illogical to protect a fertilized egg over the interests of the woman because an estimated 50 percent or more fertilized eggs fail to develop.
The topic of abortion has always been a hot-button issue but with recent events in Washington such as the effort to defund Planned Parenthood as well as the Senate’s recent block on a late-term abortion bill, the issue has taken center stage in the political arena once again.
The Huffington Post Nye also added “If you’re going to say when an egg is fertilized it therefore has the same rights as an individual, then whom are you going to sue? Whom are you going to imprison? Every woman who’s had a fertilize egg pass through her and every man who’s ever fertilized an egg that didn’t become human? Have all these people failed you?”
Although those who strongly oppose abortion are not likely to change their stance, Nye urges viewers to educate themselves on the science of abortion and argues women should have the right to choose what to do with their bodies.
Image courtesy of Kristin Callahan/