Joyce Mitchell, the former prison employee who helped two inmates escape the Clinton Correctional Facility last June, learned her fate on Monday.

NBC News noted that she was sentenced to 2-1/3 to 7 years behind bars for her part.

"If I could take it all back I would," Mitchell said as she teared up. "I live with regret every day and will for the rest of my life."

The 51-year-old told the court that she only helped the convicts because she feared for the safety of her family. However, Clinton County Court Judge Kevin Ryan didn’t buy her story.

As we previously reported, Mitchell aided the elaborate escape of Richard Matt and David Sweat by providing them with contraband, which she smuggled inside hamburger meat. She was later supposed to be their getaway car, but did not show.

Matt was located and fatally shot by a border patrol agent on June 26 and Sweat was shot and apprehended a few days later. Both were convicted of murder.

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