Controversial Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis is the target of a new gay marriage billboard.

The billboard, put up in Davis' hometown of Rowan County, reads, "Dear Kim Davis, The fact that you can't sell your daughter for three goats and a cow means that we've already redefined marriage."

Screenshot from wochit News's YouTube video

The billboard was paid for by Planting Peace, a nonprofit humanitarian organization. The organization issued a statement saying that the "intent of the billboard is to expose this narrow interpretation by Davis and others that they use to defend their discrimination against the LGBTQ community."

According to NBC News, the billboard cost $500 and will stay up for a month.

The NOH8 campaign, which promotes equality, posted an image of the billboard on their Twitter account.

Davis was sent to jail for five days after she refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. She was held on contempt of court charges. She is expected to return to work on Monday.

Image via Twitter from NOH8 Campaign