Leonard Nimoy's children are both working on documentaries that will focus on the life of their father but the two aren't working together. Instead, they producing dueling documentaries. Both projects are looking to be released next year.

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Julie Nimoy is working with her husband, David Knight, to make COPD: Highly Illogical, Fox News reported.

This documentary will focus on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The disease was the cause of death for Nimoy at the age of 83. Information about the treatment and latest update on the disease will be profiled from some of the top medical experts in the field.

In contrast, Adam Nimoy is making For the Love of Spock, The New York Post reported. The project has already raised over $650,000 online. The documentary will be narrated by Zachary Quinto and features interviews with William Shatner, George Takei, J.J. Abrams and Seth MacFarlane.

If both projects are released next year, it will coincide with the 50th anniversary of Star Trek.