I’ll have what she’s having… if she’s having a When Harry Met Sally marathon.
Sesame Street is taking on the Nora Ephron classic, When Harry Met Sally, and it is as delightful as one could imagine.
In a Sesame Street clip used to emphasize the importance of waiting your turn, the long running children’s series recreated that famous scene. You know to which scene we are referring: Katz’s Delicatessen, Rob Reiner’s mom. Ring a bell?
The clip titled “When Cookie Met Sally” began like the movie, in the car. Cookie and Sally go their separate ways, and are reunited at Katz’s Delicatessen, when Cookie Monster decides he needs to eat immediately and cuts the line. Sally, who bares an uncanny resemblance to Meg Ryan, gives Cookie strategies for waiting his turn, in the way of games. Sally and Cookie Monster play “I Spy,” “Patty Cake,” and “pretend.”
Once Sally and Cookie Monster get their lunch and finish eating, they indulge in cookies for desert. Cue the little old lady and her highly quoted line.
Sesame Street will be moving from PBS to HBO this fall.
Credit: INFevents.com