A soldier reportedly used a GoPro camera in a custody dispute to prove his wife was guilty of domestic violence.

In many abuse cases, it is the male who is the aggressor, but women have been identified as the ones who are abusive. In the case of a Florida situation in Pinellas county, a soldier named Michael, whose last name was withheld by WTSP News.

Michael and his wife have reportedly been estranged and have been battling for custody of their 2-year-old twins. In order to catch his wife in the act of committing violence against him, Michael used a GoPro camera around his belt in order to videotape their interactions.

“This is just one of many instances where I’ve had to use the camera to either prove her guilt or prove my innocence.”

This happened last Thursday as he reached inside the car to unbuckle one of their kids from the car. In the video, you hear Michael let out a scream and jerk away as the bottom corner of the video records Corinne Novak grabbing him by the genitals.

Michael said he hoped the recording of the incident would help his case and he also said, “It seems to be overlooked when the man is a victim of domestic violence.”

WFLA reported Novak was arrested and faces a charge of one count of domestic battery. The incident reportedly happened on Sept. 17.