We've been hearing that the new Peter Parker would be the youngest one ever put on screen, but how young are they talking about, exactly? Well, the director of the upcoming reboot has just answered that question.

image of Tom Holland courtesy of INFphoto.com

In an interview with Empire (via Yahoo Movies), director Jon Watts revealed that Spider-Man will be 15 years old in the Marvel Cinematic Universe reboot.

"I love the idea of making a coming-of-age high-school movie,” Watts said. “We’re really going to see Peter Parker in high school and get deeper into that side of it.

As a lot of fans will be excited to hear, Watts also confirmed that the movie won't be an origin story, and so we won't see Uncle Ben die, a scene that has been depicted on film twice in ten years. “There are only so many times you can kill Uncle Ben,” Watts said.

Watts also praised Tom Holland as being the perfect pick for Spider-Man, explaining that he's very athletic and can actually do a backflip.

Tom Holland's Spider-Man will debut for the first time in Captain America: Civil War before getting his own spinoff in 2017. This will be a complete reboot that isn't connected to the Amazing Spider-Man films with Andrew Garfield. Garfield is fine with that, however, as he recently praised Tom Holland and said he looks forward to watching the new movies as a fan.

Captain America: Civil War hits theaters on May 6, 2016.