Just when you think an anti-gay church group couldn’t surprise you anymore, it turns out they can. Westboro Baptist Church brought forth their opinion of the Kim Davis saga and are protesting her. Could the Internet officially be broken?
NBC News reported the WBC, who are infamous for protesting just about everything from service members’ funerals to horrific shootings, use their protests as a backdrop for their argument that America is being punished by God for supporting homosexuality.
Taking a page out of the Bible, not for real though, the WBC used a passage that talked about what happened with God’s relationship with a woman when she left her husband in order to protest Davis, who has been in the news for her refusal to hand out marriage licenses to both gay and straight couples. They did this because Davis has remarried more than once. So they blame her divorces for gay marriage.
From their Twitter account, the group posted, “Get this straight: you can NOT repent of a sin you actively live. Kim must leave that man who’s not her husband.” So in their own view, it appears that Davis and her husband are not actually married since divorce is a sin.
Independent Journal Review reported that Twitter users reacted in shock when they heard the news.
Montel Williams posted, “Well here’s a cognitive dissonance at its finest – Westboro Baptist Church to Protest AGAINST Kim Davis… Buying a powerball ticket.”
FreakOutNation wrote in a blog that one of the members of the church, Shirley Phelps-Roper, has an illegitimate son.