Parents be warned to keep hand sanitizers out of your child’s reach as a growing number of young kids are attracted to the fruity-scented ones and are ingesting them.

Medical Daily noted that a new study by the Georgia Poison Center found that since 2010, reported cases of children ingesting liquid hand sanitizers have grown by a staggering 400 percent. The study is worrisome not just because of accidental ingestion, but also intentional as an alternative to alcoholic beverages, a trend which has been shown on YouTube for quite some time.

Hand sanitizers can be almost all alcohol based; up to as much as 95 percent.

"Kids are getting into these products more frequently, and unfortunately, there's a percentage of them going to the emergency room," said Dr. Gaylord Lopez, the center's director.

CNN reported that Lopez said parents can slow the trend by locking up the sanitizers, educating children about the dangers of ingesting them and switching to non-alcoholic sanitizing products.

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