America may still run on Dunkin’ but there will be 100 less stores operating in the U.S. in the near future.

CNN reported that Dunkin’ Brands, which is the chain’s parent company, announced the closures that are said to occur over this year and next year.

Grant Benson, vice president of global franchising and business development for Dunkin' Brands, did not specifically say which stores will be closing its doors but did reveal that they are all run by the convenience store chain Speedway LLC. The gas stations are a franchisee of Dunkin’ Brands.

Dunkin' cited that the closures are due to many contributing factors including the rise in food costs, the avian bird flu, the minimum wage hike and the continuous competition from other chains like Starbucks.

The company said that the closures only account for a small amount of its business and as noted, Dunkin still plans on opening 400 new stores and staying true to that “America Runs on Dunkin'” motto.

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