Glee is a comedy-drama that airs on Fox and is most known for the musical pieces presented in the show. The focus of the show is an aspiring, underdog show choir from suburban Ohio, known as the New Directions, with a dream to go to the National competition. Team members are faced with many high school challenges, including bullies and peer pressure, and they choose to express themselves by means of music. The songs performed are often covers of other songs, but original content has been created and performed as well.
The show is currently in its third season and since its initial debut in May of 2009, the musical numbers performed during episodes have resulted in a large fan-base - often referred to as "Gleeks" - and have become widely popularized. In fact, members of the Glee cast went on tour this past May and June, drawing in many fans to the live performances. So for all of you "Gleeks" out there, and for others who are now intrigued by televised high school show choirs, here is the top ten Glee renditions.
1. "Defying Gravity" - This song was performed by Rachel Berry (Lea Michele) and Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer), two of the show's main characters, in Episode 9 of Season 1. The song was originally a signature piece to the musical Wicked and was composed by Stephen Schwartz.
2. "Teenage Dream" - This piece was performed by a competing show choir, the Warblers, lead by Blaine Anderson (Darren Criss), in Episode 6 of Season 2. The song was originally sung by Katy Perry and appears on her hit album Teenage Dream.
3. "Don't Stop Believin'" - This song performed by the New Directions as a whole. The song is first presented in the pilot episode but appears again in Episode 22 of Season 1 when the team performs at the regional competition. The song is originally one of Journey's greatest hits.
4. "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart" - This was a duet performed by Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson (Cory Monteith) in Episode 4 of Season 2. The number was originally a duet sung by Elton John and Kiki Dee.
5. "Halo/Walking on Sunshine" - This is one of the show's many takes on mash-up pieces and was performed by the females of the New Directions group appearing in Episode 6 of Season 1. The piece was created by compiling Beyonce's "Halo" and Katrina and the Waves' "Walking on Sunshine."
6. "It's My Life/Confessions Part II" - The males of the New Directions countered the females and produced a mash-up piece performed a mash-up piece of their own. The song debuted in Episode 6 of Season 1. The number consists of Bon Jovi's "It's My Life" and Usher's "Confessions Part II.
7. "My Life Would Suck Without You" - The New Directions performed this piece in Episode 13 of Season 1 with featured solos by Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson. Kelly Clarkson originally composed and performed the song.
8. Anyway You Want It/Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin' - This mash-up was performed by the New Directions at their Regional debut. This piece was one of three Journey songs performed to complete a Journey medley. Journey originally wrote "Anyway You Want It" and "Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'."
9. Last Christmas - 'Tis the season! This song was sung by Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson in the second season's holiday special (Episode 10) with accompaniment from the rest of the New Directions. The holiday jam was originally performed by Wham!
10. "Sweet Caroline" - The New Direction's Noah "Puck" Puckerman (Mark Salling) sang this song in Episode 8 of Season 1. Neil Diamond sang the original version of the song.