While her colleagues might be interested in talking about their pay out in the open, Oscar winner Kate Winslet doesn’t really think the gender pay gap conversation should be happening publicly.

In an interview with the BBC’s Newsbeat, Winslet said she is “having such a problem with these conversations.”

“I understand why they are coming up but maybe it's a British thing. I don't like talking about money; it's a bit vulgar isn't it?” Winslet said.

The pay gap between male and female actresses in Hollywood became a public issue recently, especially after Jennifer Lawrence's October essay about how she was disappointed in herself for not pushing for pay that equaled her male counterparts. Several other stars spoke up about in the following weeks, but don’t expect Winsley to take a stance publicly.

“I'm quite surprised by these conversations to be honest, simply because it seems quite a strange thing to be discussing out in the open like that,” Winslet told the BBC. “I am a very lucky woman and I'm quite happy with how things are ticking along.”

Winslet also wouldn’t specifically comment on anything her colleagues have said and also said that she can’t recall experiencing sexism while working.

“I haven't ever felt that I've really had to stick up for myself just because I'm a woman,” Winslet said.

Winslet can currently be seen in Steve Jobs and also starred in Insurgent earlier this year.