Modern Family star Reid Ewing, who plays Haley Dunphy’s (sometimes) love interest Dylan on the Emmy-winning show, is coming clean about his issues with body dysmorphia and an addiction to plastic surgery.
On Thursday, Ewing’s blog post about his story ran in Huffington Post, where he shared his regrets over multiple surgeries.
Ewing called it a “mental illness,” saying none of the doctors he went to had him undergo “screenings” beforehand.
“People with body dysmorphic disorder often become addicted to cosmetic surgery,” he wrote. “Gambling with your looks, paired with all the pain meds doctors load you up on, make it a highly addictive experience. It's a problem that is rarely taken seriously because of the public shaming of those who have had work done.”
Among the procedures Ewing had are cheek implants, injectable fillers and fat transfers. He now acknowledges he never needed any surgeries and advised, “Before seeking to change your face, you should question whether it is your mind that needs fixing.”