Phil Collins’s comeback is facing a setback just a week after he announced his plans to return to music.

There is a petition on with over 3,500 signatures to stop Collins from making new music.

"Phil Collins has announced he is 'no longer in retirement.' There is far too much suffering in the world as it is. This must be stopped,” the petition description reads.

Collins told Rolling Stone about his plans to record new music on Oct. 29. He initially retired in 2011.

"I'm no longer officially retired," Collins said to the magazine. "The horse is out of the stable and I'm raring to go."

Collins wants his kids to be able to experience his music. The singer-songwriter has five children, but was specifically talking about his sons Nicholas and Matthew.

"My kids are now 10 and 14 and they want to see what their dad does,” Collins said. “They love my music and I'd like to take them out so they can enjoy it.”

Collins revealed plans to write a memoir earlier this year.