You can’t read a movie website without critics talking about how awful By The Sea is. The pet project starring Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is said to emulate a 1970s existential picture but, instead, drags on for a full two hours of nothing.

The synopsis paints it as a wannabe art house movie about an unhappy couple vacationing in France. Jolie’s character stays in bed, while Pitt’s gets drunk and wanders around a bit. Then, they come together (sort of) to spy on their neighbors, and that’s basically it.

But while both actors have put together a fair amount of critically acclaimed work, By The Sea is yet another nail in the coffin for Jolie’s directing career. Both In The Land of Blood and Honey and Unbroken failed to turn into a hit and received middling reviews.

While Jolie won praise for Girl, Interrupted and Changeling and proved she could do a blockbuster with Lara Croft – Tomb Raider, a large part of her career includes flops and movies no one recalls. We count down her worst works to date:

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