Macedonia, along with other surrounding countries, have began turning away what they are calling "economic migrants" looking to seek refuge in their countries.

Macedonian police are desperate to keep the migrants out, firing tear gas and stun grenades at them, according to Reuters, while soldiers work diligently to build a metal fence to keep them from getting in.

Human rights groups are outraged at the Macedonian government's decision to allow only Syrian, Iraqi, and Afghani refugees, but turn away Iranians, Pakistanis, Moroccans, and a number of others.

According to RTE, the three kilometer long and two and a half meter high metal fence is erected at the Gevgelija crossing, on the main road which leads to Macedonia's capitol, Skopje. At this time, this is the only location where the country plans on building a fence, but will not rule out the need for more in the future.

"We would like to underline that the border will remain open. We will allow passage for the people who come from war-affected regions as we have thus far." said spokesman Aleksandar Gjorgjiev.