Nearly every Marvel Cinematic Universe character is expected to show up in Avengers: Infinity War, but does that include the TV heroes like Jessica Jones and Daredevil? Well, it's complicated.
According to Infinity War co-director Anthony Russo, adding in the Defenders characters will be tricky because the creative team behind the movies isn't the same team behind the TV shows.
"The films are controlled by a group led by Kevin Feige, so they function as a unit," Russo told "Other products, even if they are from Marvel, are controlled by others. Then there is the possibility of a crossover, but is more complicated. It is a smaller version of the problem that exists when thinking that Fox has the rights to certain characters, Sony and others."
So it sounds like if the Defenders don't appear, it will completely be an issue of coordination between the two Marvel units. Even if they can work together, though, it will still be complicated managing to squeeze these characters into an already packed movie.
Although Jessica Jones and Daredevil exist in the same universe as The Avengers, there are still some inconsistencies that make them feel separate from the movies. For example, the Avengers tower never appears in the New York City skyline where it should be.
Avengers: Infinity War will be the most massive Marvel project to date. It will be a giant battle against Thanos, featuring every major hero in the franchise, and the studio is actually splitting it up into two parts. According to Chris Evans, it's also going to take nine months to shoot.
Infinity War - Part I will open on May 4, 2018.