George Lucas gave his children cameos in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, so it’s only fair that other extended members of the Star Wars family get cameos. That includes Carrie Fisher's daughter, actress Billie Lourd.
Lourd, 23, will be in The Force Awakens, People Magazine revealed in its new issue on the movie. People also published two pictures of Lourd, showing off her very familiar hairdo. Her character might not be Leia’s daughter, but she still wears the familiar buns.
The New York University graduate is also an actress, appearing in Fox’s Scream Queens. Growing up, she was obsessed with Star Wars, forcing her mom to watch it countless times.
“I made [my mom] watch it at least once a week – and on special occasions I would make her get in a lightsaber fight with me,” she told People. “Let's just say the more trained Jedi usually won.”
People didn’t reveal the name of her character, but hopefully it’s a part that includes a couple of lines for her. Of course, we won’t learn that until Dec. 18, when The Force Awakens hits theaters.