Harrison Ford helped Star Wars: The Force Awakens' become such a success and we now know exactly how much Disney forked over to get him on board.

According to The Guardian, Ford was paid a flat fee of $25 million for his role in The Force Awakens, 12.5 percent of the movie's $200 million budget. Ford will also receive 0.5% of the film's box office profits, which would bring his earnings up to $34 million if the movie hits $2 billion. The actor has certainly come a long way since he was paid $10,000 to appear in the original Star Wars in 1977.

This Force Awakens salary is about 56 times what Daisy Ridley and John Boyega were paid for their performances, as each was given $450,000. Ford's salary was also significantly higher than Carrie Fisher's as the actress was only paid $1.5 million for The Force Awakens. However, this makes sense considering the small amount of screen time she has compared to Ford, so presumably Fisher will earn significantly more on Episode VIII.

A Disney source told The Guardian that the studio considered Ford to be the key to the movie working because he served as the bridge between the old and the new. The source also said that while they could have done the film without Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, they couldn't have done it without Harrison Ford.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has already made $517 million at the box office, and it has potential to become the new highest-grossing movie of all time.