George Zimmerman has reportedly been kicked off of Twitter for posting semi-nude photos of his ex-girlfriend, in addition to sharing her phone number and email address with his followers.
Not only did Zimmerman urge his followers to inundate his ex with phone calls and emails, he also posted two topless photos of her after accusing her of sleeping with a “dirty Muslim.”
Washington Post reports Zimmerman, who has a history of domestic violence incidents with exes, also accused his ex of stealing money and a gun from him.
He even tweeted, “She’ll sleep with anyone.”
Twitter wouldn’t comment on the suspension of his account, citing privacy issues, but did refer the Post to their policies of sharing private information.
Back in March, Twitter updated their privacy policy to include the ban of “revenge porn,” which this case falls under. The guidelines read, “Users may not post intimate photos or videos that were taken or distributed without the subject’s consent.”