While on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to promote Joy, Jennifer Lawrence made a joke about how exhausted she gets because of all the movies she makes. Lindsay Lohan and her younger sister Ali were clearly not happy with the joke.

After calling herself a “show pony” because of all the work she does, Lohan explained that her body makes her puke to remind her to relax.

“I just keep going until, I think my body’s just like, ‘If we don’t make her barf or pass out, she won’t stop,’” Lawrence said. “I get like Lindsay Lohan-grade exhaustion... but without any drugs or alcohol. I’m always in bed early, but I’m still tired.”

Ali was not happy with that, responding on Twitter. “I never breathe life into negativity but I stand by my family. Disappointed in Jennifer Lawrence. You lost a fan,” she wrote.

Lindsay later responded by thanking her sister and posted a quote from Maya Angelou. “You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I’ll rise,” the quote reads.

Lawrence hasn’t responded yet. (She doesn’t have an official Twitter account, so there’s a chance she might not have even seen the Lohans’ response.)