A college professor at the University of Louisville went above and beyond his job requirement to help out one of his students with a heartwarming gesture.

Army ROTC student and single mom Monica Romero’s babysitter canceled on her at the last minute ahead of her final exam, so she was forced to bring her two young children with her.

Romero set them up with a laptop and a tablet outside in the hall, but had “anxiety” about them sitting still for the duration of the test.

“To get the test complete, it’s going to take a miracle,” she recalled thinking to herself to Buzzfeed.

When her professor, Dr. Daniel Krebs, heard the kids playing outside, he went outside and started playing with them. Of course, this brought major relief to Romero.

Her friend and classmate, Victoria Henry, posted a photo of Dr. Krebs with Romero’s kids on Facebook and wrote a touching post about it.

“Such a kind and caring act committed when the reaction could have been the complete opposite. My heart is warm tonight. Tis the season,” she wrote.

Witnessed one of the most caring gestures of my college career tonight. As a friend of mine was preparing to take our...

Posted by Victoria Henry on Wednesday, December 2, 2015