Steve Harvey’s infamous flub during the finale of the Miss Universe 2015 pageant on Sunday night has been the best thing for beauty contests in years. The pageant got more attention that it would have received if Harvey correctly announced the winner, so it’s no surprise to learn that he would be welcomed back.
During an interview with Jim Rome, WME IMG chief content officer Mark Shapiro said that Harvey would “absolutely” be invited to host the ceremony again. Shapiro said that the comedian and Family Feud host was very apologetic after the show and “just felt miserable.”
Shapiro laughed off the conspiracy theorists who think Harvey called out the wrong winner on purpose.
“That’s just humorous. All I can do is just laugh that off,” he said of the conspiracy theory. “The ratings he had last night were going to be strong no matter what.”
Meanwhile, the Belize Tourism Board invited Harvey to the next pageant in the Central American country on Twitter. According to the New York Daily News, Belize is hosting the International Costa Maya Festival from Aug. 6 to 9, which includes a beauty pageant.
Harvey was supposed to announce Miss Philippines Pia Wurtzbach as the new Miss Universe, but instead declared Miss Colombia Ariadna Gutierrez the winner. You can check out our Top 10 reactions to the gaffe right here.