Kanye West is known for being vocal on Twitter and isn't afraid to express his passion and on going inner monologue. Last night, West spoke out about his professional work ethic and that Steve Jobs is his idol.

If you are looking to have a work conversation with West, it might be best to call during an odd hour. West tweeted that he has no interest in working with anyone that is too important to answer the phone. He expects all professional individuals to be taking his phone calls at 3 a.m.

He also tweeted out an image from Steve Jobs: The Main in the Machine, a documentary about the Apple founder and called him his idol.

The "Stronger" rapper is known for being a high-profiled perfectionists. He has a music career, an expanding fashion line and continues to produce music for many artists topping today's charts. He is currently working on wrapping up his next album, SWISH, which will be released early next month.