Natalie Portman, who starred in the Star Wars prequels and has thankfully had a successful career since then, said this morning that she hasn’t had a chance to check out the latest movie in the saga.
While on Good Morning America this morning to talk about Jane Got A Gun, Portman was asked if she has seen The Force Awakens yet.
“I haven’t been able to see it yet,” the Oscar winner revealed. “I’ve heard it’s amazing. And it’s so nice that it’s continuing part of everyone's shared cultural knowledge.”
Portman could try to distance herself from Star Wars, but she clearly has come to terms with the fact that she was involved. In fact, she reunited with her prequels co-star Ewan McGregor for Jane Got A Gun. Joel Edgerton also had a small role in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith as Owen Lars.
“It was nice that we all had that sort of familiarity to start off with,” she said of working with them again.
Jane Got A Gun opens this weekend. Portman also stars in Terrence Malick’s Knight of Cups, which will be released in March. She’s working on the Jacqueline Kennedy biopic Jackie right now.