Alec Baldwin had some choice words for TMZ founder Harvey Levin in an expose that took the New Yorker two years to put together on the gossip site.

The expose, titled “The Digital Dirt,” features some input from Baldwin, whose life has been featured on the pages of TMZ throughout the years.

Baldwin called Levin a “festering boil on the anus of American media.”

Referring to TMZ publishing the angry voicemail he left his daughter in 2007, during which he called her a “thoughtless little pig,” Baldwin told the New Yorker, “There was a time when my greatest wish was to stab Harvey Levin with a rusty implement and watch his entrails go running down my forearm, in some Macbethian stance.”

He added, “I wanted him to die in my arms, while looking into my eyes, and I wanted to say to him, ‘Oh, Harvey, you thoughtless little pig.’”

The expose, which paints Levin as a tyrant who pays anyone from airline sources, security guards and drivers for a good story, also revealed the website paid over $100,000 for the two videos of Ray Rice physically abusing his wife (then-fiancee) Janay Rice in an elevator.