When Demi Lovato initially spoke out about Kesha’s lawsuit against Dr. Luke and the court’s ruling that she still has to work with him, she threw some shade at Taylor Swift for donating money but not speaking out about the issue herself. She’s now explaining why she did that in a lengthy Instagram post.

As we previously reported, Lovato and Swift took two completely different approaches to supporting Kesha. Lovato tweeted her support about women empowerment and the “Style” singer donated $250,000.

“Take something to Capitol Hill or actually speak out about something and then I'll be impressed,” Lovato tweeted about Swift’s donation.

Lovato took to Instagram after that tweet and clarified where she was coming from, admitting, “Although my heart and intentions are always in the right place, unfortunately sometimes my passion gets the best of me and causes me to say things that I probably shouldn't say.”

She went on to write about the importance of believing rape victims when they come forward and added, “Everyone has their own way of giving support to others , and at the end of the day, helping victims is all that matters.”