On Sunday’s season premiere of Fear the Walking Dead, our group flees a burning Los Angeles and encounters dangers at sea.

Maddie and Travis ready their supplies on shore and wait for Nick to return in the power boat to bring them to the yacht. Chris mourns over his mother’s body.

Strand starts the yacht. He guards the boat while Nick goes back for the others.

The beach floods with the undead. Travis and Maddie fight them off until the boat arrives. All around them, Los Angeles is burning down.

Nick arrives and they load up the boat with supplies and Liza’s body. They get in and make it past the dead. Daniel guards the yacht with a rifle, but helps them board. They leave the land behind them.

Chris hovers over his mother’s body. Travis doesn’t know how to reach him.

Our group sees a boat of people calling for help. Maddie tries to get Strand to stop, but he won’t. He tells her to be thankful he saved them.

Alecia begs Travis to help the people in the boat. He distracts her by sending her to listen to the radio. Travis tells Maddie it’s not safe to stop. Strand speeds up. Alecia hears multiple calls for assistance on the radio, including the Coast Guard saying there’s no help.

Nick tells Strand he should have stopped. Strand says he explained things when they were locked up. He says they’re headed for San Diego where he expects things to be better.

Maddie tries to get Alecia to sleep, but she refuses. She wants to listen to make sure where they’re going is safe.

Maddie is angry at Travis for not supporting her when she wanted to stop for the people on the other boat. He says they need to take care of themselves. What if those people were infected? She walks away.

FTWD S02E01 fightFTWD S02E01 fight
Credit: Richard Foreman/AMC

Alecia finds music on the radio and a young man asking if anyone can hear him. She answers.

Chris uncovers his mother’s face and kisses her forehead. He replaces the sheet and holds her hand.

Daniel is fishing. Chris asks to help. Daniel says he’s sorry about Chris’ mother. Chris says he’s sorry about Daniel’s wife. They didn’t get to say goodbye. Daniel says it wouldn’t have made a difference. He catches an eel.

Nick runs into Ophelia on the stairs and offers to help her change her bandage because it looks bad. She says she can manage, but he gives her some tips.

Alecia asks the man on the radio if he’s safe. He says they don’t have food, but won’t tell her where the boat is. They talk about where they were when it started and who they’ve lost.

Travis asks Daniel how Chris is. He says they don’t talk when they fish. Daniel tells him that someday Chris will understand it was an act of mercy to kill Liza.

Maddie finds the bridge of the boat unmanned. She finds Strand above and tells him he can sleep, but he blows it off. She asks if they’re deep enough to take care of Liza.

The man on the radio, Jack, says he’s heading for Hawaii with relatives. She asks if he has water. He says they have some and asks about her. She tells him about the yacht.

Daniel tells Maddie that he doesn’t trust Strand. He says Strand was packing his bags before the bombs fell. Daniel thinks he has motives he hasn’t shared.

The group has a service for Liza on deck. Chris gets upset. He forces her body overboard early and retreats inside. Travis goes after him.

Chris tells Travis he could have fixed it. He punches his father for shooting her. Travis goes back upstairs.

Jack calls out to Alecia on the radio that they’re taking on water. Alecia says they’ll come for him. He asks where she is in relation to a landmark. She tells him, then goes for Travis. Strand overhears and asks her what she told Jack about them. He says he rules the boat. They won’t pick up passengers.

Strand tells Nick everyone has to contribute or at least not compromise. Nick asks how he contributes. Strand says he’s fearless.

Maddie asks Chris if he hurt his hand. She says it’s okay to be angry and tells him about the first time she hit her father. She invites him up for dinner. She says if Travis hadn’t done it, she would have. She would never let someone she loved turn.

Credit: Richard Foreman/AMC

The group is eating dinner when Chris jumps overboard. Nick leaps in to save him, but Chris says he felt like swimming. They both swim for a while.

Alecia calls Jack and tells him they can’t come for him. He tells her he’ll see her soon.

Strand sees another boat on his radar. The water is suddenly full of the undead. A boat has burned and everyone on board died. Chris swims back towards the yacht, but Nick hears someone. He investigates the boat. Travis jumps in the water to bring him back. Nick finds the boat’s log book after being attacked by a walker. He gets away. He and Travis make it back to the yacht.

Strand sees another blip on the radar. He’s afraid it’s whoever killed the owners of the burning boat. They take off to get a head start because they’re slower than the oncoming vessel.

See the promo for the season premiere: