Highlights and moments from Gotham Wrath of the Villians: Into the Woods

Bruce and Selina are running across rooftops with a bag of stolen money. Bruce teases the criminal and really seems to be enjoying living on the streets. He considers this research, to understand the criminals of Gotham.

A TV is playing at Gotham City Police Department (GCPD) showing that Jim has escaped. Edward is watching, feeling convinced that nobody will find out what he did. Bullock is confronted by Barnes, who gives Bullock one chance to come clean. Bullock swears he has no idea where Jim is. Barnes seems very skeptical.

Bullock returns to his apartment where he is obviously hiding Jim. Jim is trying to clear his name. He knows this all connected and Bullock suggests an active cop is behind this. Bullock warns Jim before they go down this road, he can still run away. Jim is determined to clear his name. He suggests sneaking into GCPD and recovering evidence from Internal Affairs. Bullock has a connection inside I.A. He gets the keys for Jim and Jim goes on the hunt.

Jim goes into GCPD and finds the case file on him. He also goes into an alley doing some research and prevents a young woman from being mugged. A GCPD officer identifies him and Jim takes him down, telling the officer he is innocent. The next morning Jim and Bullock listen to the tape. A distorted voice is reporting Jim’s crime. They have to clean up the audio in order to identify the person. Jim thanks Bullock for what he has done, and warns him to stay away from him for his own safety.

Oswald is devastated at Oswald’s funeral. The ceremony ends and the rest of the family leaves and tells Oswald he is no longer welcome. Oswald begs them to let him stay. Grace finally agrees, under one condition…that Oswald is the new servant of the house. Grace tells the kids this is just to keep him close and then dispose of him.

Barbara is attending counseling at Arkham Asylum under Dr. Strange’s supervision. Barbara confesses what she did and that she has changed. Dr. Strange tells her this is excellent news and later tells Ms. Peabody is not sure about Barbara’s true intentions.

Edward arrives home and is shocked to find Jim waiting for him. He asks for Edward to help him clean up the tape. Edward agrees to help but surely has another objective. The tension in the apartment rises as Edward is trying to clear up the tape. Jim keeps telling Edward he is innocent and they have some intense conversation that starts raising Jim’s suspicion of Edward. They share an awkward, intense stare at each other when Jim pulls out his gun, knowing Edward is behind this. They hear the same cuckoo clock and then Edward shocks Jim with his rigged chair.

He drags Jim in the alley and attempt to put him in the trunk of his car but Jim escapes. Edward shoots at him, clipping his leg. Inside a warehouse Edward tells him why he did this to him…Kristin Kringle. Jim looks confused is able to sneak away. He arrives at Selina’s house where Bruce and Selina are making dinner. Jim tells them he knows who framed him and passes out.

The Van Dahl family is eating dinner and are not impressed with Oswald’s skills as a chef. The stepchildren continue to torment and tease Oswald. He is later making a drink for Grace when he find the bottle of liquor that his father drank from. He smells it, is taken by the smell and becomes suspicious. He pours some into a bowl and gives it to the dog. He notices that the dog has seizure and dies. He now realizes that his father was murdered. I have the feeling we might be seeing the return of The Penguin.

Bruce has taken Jim to Wayne Manor to recover. Alfred asks Jim how he is going to get out of this pickle. He has a plan to bust Edward, but it involves someone going into GCPD. Selina bursts into GCPD wanting to know about the reward. She tells Barnes the phony story about Jim, with Edward listening closely in the background. He goes into the forensics lab and argues with himself about what to do. He does the math and realizes he must go retrieve Kristin’s body.

Dr. Strange and Ms. Peabody are congratulating Barbara on being rehabilitated. Dr. Strange tells Ms. Peabody he releasing her “into the wild” to see what she is going to do.

Edward is out in the woods and starts digging for Kristin’s body. He finds her and we notice Jim sneaking up behind him. Edward pulls a gun on him and tells Jim he couldn’t help this, he says we all have a monster inside us and this is the person he is. Bullock and Barnes come from hiding and tell Edward to turn himself in. He tries to run away but is surrounded and trips in the snow.

Oswald is preparing the fancy roast that Grace demanded. She wonders where Charles and Sasha are. Oswald tells her that they won’t be able to hear her. She complains about the overcooked food, Oswald then reveals to her that she was actually eating her children. He then stabs Grace in the throat. Oswald then toasts Grace’s dead body. The Penguin looks to be back.

Alfred tells Bruce that Lucius Fox fixed his father’s computer. He tells Bruce he must choose, a life on the streets with Selina or continue on his father’s work. Bruce breaks it to Selina that he isn’t returning to the city. Selina is upset and says good-bye to him. She looks at the jacket he sewed for her and throws it away. Alfred and Bruce continue exploring his father’s computer.

We see Edward being admitted into Blackgate Prison.

Barnes is apologizing to Jim and Jim tells him he isn’t coming back to work just yet. Jim made a promise to Bruce Wayne to find his parents’ murderer. Barnes also gives Jim a card with Leslie’s number on it. Jim is studying the Wayne case files and debates calling Leslie. He hangs up before he talks to her. He gets a knock on his door and opens it up and finds Barbara standing there. “Hi Jim,” Barbara says with a curious smile on her face…