Happy Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day!

You may or may not have known that April 12 is Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day. It’s one of those odd holidays that usually passes without much acknowledgment but is totally worth celebrating.

If you weren’t sure what you should make for dinner tonight, you’ve found your answer – grilled cheese! But to celebrate the day, don’t just make a boring traditional grilled cheese sandwich. Mix things up with one of these 10 mouthwatering unique grilled cheese recipes.

There are delicious recipes for both meat lovers and vegetarians. Some of the ingredients might already be in the pantry, others you might need to plan a separate trip to the grocery store for. Everyone can partake in the holiday, especially considering grilled cheese sandwiches are fairly easy to make.

You’ll be happy you tried something new and who knows, you might just find your new favorite!

Click next to discover 10 yummy and unique grilled cheese recipes to try on Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day!

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