Mindy is off to visit Peter in Texas. She forgot that for Peter’s previous visit she booked a ticket to Austin while she was drunk. She thought she booked a weekend, when in reality, she booked an entire week in Texas.

When dropping Leo off at Danny’s to watch Leo while she is in Texas, Mindy meets Danny’s new girlfriend, Liza. Meeting, Liza sets off a ton of ex jealousy in Mindy.

Lauren wants Mindy to keep an eye on Peter to see why he has been behaving a little "off. " While on a trip to the grocery super store (like Walmart) to get more popsicles, Mindy finds Peter at the store watching Grey’s Anatomy in the TV department. Turns out that Peter has more fun playing with his son, Henry, then going to work. Eventually, he had so many sick days to play with Henry that Peter just quit he job. Peter watches Gray’s Anatomy (which is what Peter tells Lauren what happened at work), until the coast is clear to go home and play with Henry.

While in Texas, Mindy also manages to get in trouble by trying to sleep with Diego, who Mindy thought was the pool boy, but is really the “it” pool designer of the South-West. Diego comes over for dinner for Mindy to apologize, which he accepts. He understands the crazy things you do when you go through a break up or divorce. While Peter talks about his day at work (a.k.a. an episode of Grey’s), Diego drops the bomb that Peter is talking about Grey’s Anatomy. Lauren freaks out that Peter quit his job.

Mindy helps Lauren and Peter patch things up. Lauren is pregnant and is glad that Peter will be home to raise the kids.