Last night, the major late night television shows focused their opening monologues on the devastating shooting in Orlando that left 49 people dead, not including the gunman and 53 injured.

As of June 14, in a news conference held with doctors at Orlando Regional Medical Center and one patient named Angel Colon, who suffered three gunshot wounds to the leg when the shooting began, it was revealed 27 patients were still hospitalized with six still in critical condition.

In one of the most heart wrenching openings, Anderson Cooper opened his news program by saying he would not give a name or a face to the shooter and instead, he showed photos and read the names of the 49 people who died.

On Full Frontal With Samantha Bee, Bee showed her anger as she told her audience that while praying was good, it was not enough as prayers would not stop more mass shootings from taking place. She called for lawmakers to “Stop thinking and do something to improve our society.”

Stephen Colbert opened The Daily Show talking about how it seemed there was an endless script where "nothing changes" but for families of the victims, "nothing will ever be the same."

On The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, he also addressed the tragedy where he paid tribute to the victims and said “This country was built on the idea that we do not all agree on everything. That we are a tolerant, free nation that encourages debate, free thinking, believing- or not- in what you choose.”

He reminded everyone that there were “Forty-nine good people and one bad guy. “ He said everyone should not only continue to love one another but to “keep on dancing.”

On Late Night With Seth Meyers, the host who would usually open with jokes about the news for that particular day decided to scrap those usual lines in an effort to address the tragedy, saying “in addressing it, maybe help us process it a little bit more, because I don’t know if we can ever fully understand it.”

He also condemned the tweet Donald Trump made in response to the shooting and said Trump should direct his congratulations to “first responders or those waiting in line to give blood.”