Users are being warned to be cautious on their quest to “catch 'em all” in Pokémon GO.

O’Fallon Missouri Police Department released a Facebook status making users aware of an armed robbery that happened at 2 am July 10. Four people, who carried a handgun, have been sighted as suspects. Additionally, the suspects are connected to multiple armed robberies in the area.

The police believed that the Pokémon GO app, which requires users to allow the GPS function, is being utilized as the suspects’ tool to locate other users.  They then would lead the victims to a secluded location and then commit the armed theft.

Speaking to Gizmodo, a spokeperson for the department revealed that eight or nine people have been victims of the robberies.  Four suspects have been arrested and were confirmed to have been using the app to aid in their crimes.

The police department further warned users to “use caution when alerting strangers of your location.”

Pokémon GO is the top free, as well as the top grossing app in the U.S. iPhone App Store.

Screenshot via YouTube.