On Aug. 26, Cabin 24 Records label released Ingrid Michaelson’s newest album, It Doesn’t Have to Make Sense. The album expands on her individualistic sound and though it feels more mainstream, it’s still beautiful.

Ingrid Michaelson Make Sense CoverIngrid Michaelson Make Sense CoverIngrid has always been a woman to play by her own rules. She plays from the heart and just hopes that her fans will love it too. While she’s clearly on the pop side of indie music, she’s never blended in with the crowd. This album feels a little more top 40 than usual, but is still incredibly personal. That’s no more apparent than on the song “I Remember Her” which is about losing her mother. It’s heartbreaking in both the lyrics and the bare piano score. Other highlights of the album include “Miss America” where she sings about being beautiful just the way you are and the single, “Hell No,” which is full of self-confidence and inspiration while still being fun.

Some of the songs on the album, like “Light Me Up,” have a more electronic pop feel than those in her past. But some expand her sound in other ways, like a Beatles-esque strings section in “Another Life” or the sing-along tone of “Celebrate,” which demands to be played at your next summer block party. The album ends on “Old Days” which moves along with simple violins and choral backdrop, ending the album on a beautiful note.

This album isn’t my favorite Ingrid Michaelson record, but there’s much to love. She continues to push the boundaries of her sound and adds fun pieces amongst the beauty of her ballads. The more mainstream sound will probably add to her fan base and the record is definitely worth the buy.