Peaches & Petals is a subscription box that mails out monthly boxes of lifestyle items. Each month has a different theme and can include beauty, fashion, and household items. September’s theme was ‘Cuteness Overload.’ It was full of adorable and useful goodies.

Here’s what was in the box.

Everything was packaged in the box you see above. As usual, it was a plain white package with the Peaches & Petals logo emblazoned across the top. It lets you know immediately what you’re pulling out of your mailbox. Everything inside is always padded for safe shipping.

The first three products I pulled from the box were a change purse, a tote bag and an insulated wrap holder. I’ve been needing a new change purse and I love cutesy stuff, so this grouchy looking cat pouch is absolutely perfect. The front is a silky material with the back being more like fleece. It has a zipper top and is too cute.

The tote bag is black with gold writing. It uses the pun, “Totes adorbs” which is great. It will get good use in my home.

The wrapper was this month’s extra mystery item. It holds a sandwich wrap to be placed in your lunch bag. It’s reusable and insulated so you can be sure your wrap will be in good shape come lunch time. When you’re done, wash it off and use it again tomorrow. Great idea! It’s covered in sailboats. While I’m not really a nautical gal, the usefulness is appreciated.

The next item in the package was a throw pillow cover. It looks like it will fit an 18” x 18” insert. The cover reads, “Girl please, I’m a unicorn!” It’s adorable and unique, just like the mythical creature itself.

Last in the box was a pair of mermaid socks. They line up so when you put them on, your feet look like a flipper. So cute! What girl has never dreamed of being a mermaid? I can’t wait to try these out.

Everything in this box lived up to the theme of adorable items. Peaches & Petals only costs $19.99 and you definitely get at least that much value in the products. If you’re looking for an inexpensive gift idea for a fun-loving friend, this would be a great pick. While you’re at it, sign up for yourself too!

If you’re interested in Peaches & Petals, click here to get more information. If you sign up before October 14, you’ll receive the ‘Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice’ box, perfect for autumn.