Justin Timberlake took a selfie in the voting booth while in Tennessee casting an early ballot and got himself in some hot water.

On Monday, Oct. 24, Justin Timberlake flew from California to Tennessee for the early vote. While at the ballot box, he took a selfie with a caption saying that if he could make the effort, then there are “No excuses, my good people!” and posted it on his Instagram page (the image has since been removed).

But here’s where things get sticky, according to CBS, Tennessee recently passed a new law stating that voters are not allowed to take photographs or videos while inside of a polling location.

So he did indeed break the law.

Timberlake will not be investigated for the Instagram post. He has learned his lesson though.

"Get out and vote, but, don't take a picture of yourself in there," Timberlake told Jimmy Fallon. "I had no idea! I was like, this is going to be great and inspire people to vote. Then it was like, womp womp womp."

Not sure if you can take a selfie in your state? Check out the laws here.