Clown scarers have been sighted across the country, terrifying people and Target is taking it seriously by removing masks from stores and online.

Back in Sept., police responded to a report of a clown trying to lure kids into the woods with “treats” in Winston-Salem, N.C. The creepy craze has gone international after bizarre sightings of clowns standing in front of people’s homes with knives and riding on the back of buses being caught on camera.

With Halloween being just two weeks away, some find these scare tactics to be threatening and are taking it very seriously. Starting Mon., Target has decided to remove all clown masks and outfits from the store and online. Customers are still able to buy other scary costumes, just with the exception of clown outfits. The Target community finds the creepy clown incident to be “evil” and taking “ scary” to a different level.

“Given the current environment, we have made the decision to remove a variety of clown masks from our assortment, both in stores and online,” company spokesman Joshua Thomas said in a statement.

State officials are working diligently to put a stop to the creepy clown phenomenon so that innocent people can enjoy the holiday the right way.