Being famous isn't as great as it seems.

"Born This Way" singer Lady Gaga, 30, teared up about the life of the rich and famous as she shared the negative sides of fame during an interview with CBS, on Sunday, Nov. 27.

The pop star, who is best known for her outrageous fashion sense, opened up about her lack of privacy that comes with the fame. Gaga shared the seclusion she feels on a regular basis, claiming, "I don’t think I could think of a single thing that’s more isolating than being famous."

While Gaga is aware of what being famous consist of, she finds it in some ways overbearing. The pop star believes that being famous essentially takes away her freedom. As a famous pop star, the line between privacy and public is completely blurred. The singer does not have the same rights as the average person. The star explains, "It’s legal to follow me. It’s legal to stalk me at the beach. And I can’t call the police or ask [the person] to leave [me alone].”

While this is hard for the singer, Gaga knows that within herself she is free.

The pop star used to hide in her home in order to escape the suffocation of fame. She would keep her inner self-locked away in order to preserve her public image, until she learned this was no way to live since the behavior drove her crazy.

Gaga now publically celebrates who she is evolving to be because, "[she's] on the right track baby, [she] was born this way." Her new album, Joanne, is a reflection of her most recent evolvement, which reveals a modern version of the singer.