An online petition asking that Drake donate the proceeds from his new song Two Birds, One Stone to mental health charities is gaining signatures.

As we reported, Drizzy recently put out a track dissing Kid Cudi about his mental health issues which Cudi is being treated for at a rehab facility. The Twittersphere wasn't happy that Drake actually took a shot at the fellow rapper's struggle with depression in the track.

Drake released these lyrics after Cudi penned a letter to his fans informing them that he made the choice to seek treatment for his mental health issues and "suicidal urges."

You were the man on the moon/Now you just go through your phases/Life of the angry and famous/Rap like I know I’m the greatest/Then give you the tropical flavors/Still never been on hiatus/You stay xanned and perked up/So when reality set in you don’t gotta face it.

In order for Drake to get back in the good graces of the public and show that he realizes mental health is a serious matter that he should not have mocked, more than 3,300 people have signed a petition suggesting that he donate any proceeds from Two Birds, One Stone to a mental health charity.

Your move Drake.