New York electronic pop artist Felix Devotion has released his debut project, an EP entitled Feminine Being.  Felix Devotion is the stage name for singer, composer and writer Joel Uritescu. He began working under the pseudonym while attending college in Manhattan.

The electro-pop EP is a groovy, loud and fascinating look into the struggles of masculine and feminine culture.  In his band statement, Uritescu said that Feminine Being was a research project focusing on one’s internal balance between the two sexes.

In the first track, “At War,” Uritescu works vocals, piano and synths into the invigorating and exciting song.  The project scales between an electronic pop and an EDM feel.

Toward “Eden,” we get soulful vocals that in turn will stroke the flames to some bluesy fervor.  The layers of harmonies are rendered with Uritescu’s vulnerable vocalizations.  The vocals are not only epic; listeners will also come away from the music feeling refreshed.

In the third track, “Freedom,” the song has great energy.  It is a sexy, hot jam that will fill up any void.  The track definitely has an EDM feel.  “Dionysus” is permeated by a very danceable tune.  You will begin to feel your foot tapping and your head bopping from its melodic pop overtures.

It is a youthful, inspiring and carefree track that will provoke conversations all over as it takes you on to the next level with its moving lyrics.  “St Jerome” has overlaying harmonies that emphasizes the contrasts and comparisons that may appear in the intersecting genres in music.  With electronic and dance music influences, this track fits into the familiar grooves of groovy electro-pop music currently playing out there right now.

One can gauge that this visionary endeavor has the feat to raise the temperature on dance floors in nightclubs near you.  Coated with lyrics and singing that will be sure to let out an emotional response, Felix Devotion really exercises his range in vocal ability in his debut EP, Feminine Being.