On June 3, The Kills released their new studio album, entitled Ash & Ice. Their blues infused garage/indie rock sound shines once again in the record.

On June 3, The Kills released their new studio album entitled Ash & Ice. The duo is comprised of American singer Alison Mosshart and British guitarist Jamie Hince. This pair began writing music together in 2000. Since then they have gained a solid reputation for their blues infused garage/indie rock sound. Ash & Ice is a well-constructed continuance of The Kills’ style and sensibilities.

Track one on Ash & Ice, “Doing It To Death,” immediately opens with an engaging guitar riff. Mosshart’s punk tinged rock voice enters next, ensuring all attention remains on the song. This is a great opening to the record. With a weighted sense and accessible beat, audiences won’t be able to stop moving to the music.

Next, “Heart of a Dog” shifts gears slightly into a percussion heavy tune. Of a similar ilk as The Dead Weather circa “I Can’t Hear You,” this track has appealingly rough edges. However, “Heart of a Dog” has the added benefit of fullness in sound that makes the audience experience close to immersive.

The Kills deliver on Ash & Ice

Ash & Ice is a strong record all-around, which showcases various sides of this duo quite well. “Hard Habit to Break” is a catchy tune, with a sensual quality to the vocals. Immediately following “Bitter Fruit,” which has a ‘70s rock vibe and was definitely made for dancing.

“Days of Why and How” is a relatively pared down track on Ash & Ice. Mosshart’s voice rings of a torn heart here – causing the song to stand out for its focused emotionality. Additionally, Hince’s guitar skills enter the foreground, with a mildly haunting air. Similarly, “Hum for your Buzz” highlights the blues leaning that The Kills incorporate into their sound. This is a true standout on the record, with engrossing dynamics and clear skill in both technique and presentation.

“Impossible Tracks” is another gem on this record. Representing a skillful combination of catchy, entertaining and edgy, listeners will have this stuck in their head for days to come.

Wrapping up Ash & Ice are “Echo Home” and “Whirling Eye.” First, “Echo Home” is a gentle and mellow tune. “Whirling Eye” kicks the tempo and intensity back up, ensuring the records goes out with a bang. These two closing tracks are a strong examples of the range these artists are able to explore – while maintaining their identity.

The Kills have turned in an engaging and dynamic record with Ash & Ice. Audiences are sure to enjoy this album and look forward to more in the future.