DateBox Club is a subscription service that sends you a full date in a box. All you need to do is find some alone time with your partner and you can have a fun date at home. Past dates have included game nights, face painting and candle making and every box includes a Spotify playlist to set the mood. My fiancé and I tried out their December holiday communication box and had a lot of fun. See what was inside.

All of the items for this month’s date were sent in a plain white box with a DateBox Club sticker. Inside, everything was packed in tissue paper for safe travels and as always, was topped with an envelope with the date instructions.

The card in the envelope tells you everything you should have received in your package and how to use it. I love that you don’t have to go digging through the box to find out what you’ll be doing. It also included the link to this month’s playlist. For December, it was tunes designed to celebrate a variety of winter holidays. It was fun to listen to while we worked our way through the activities.

Under the tissue paper were a candle and a Tangram puzzle game. The candle was made of high-quality soy wax and smelled absolutely delicious. It was a fig scent.

The game for this date could be played one of two ways. You could pick a picture and race to complete the puzzle first, or you could choose a picture without showing your partner and describe to them what pieces to use and how to place them using only words, no pointing. We decided to do the latter and it was harder than I thought it would be. We each managed to guide each other through two pictures before moving on to the next activity. While definitely difficult, it was fun too.

Last in the box were the makings for candy reindeer and a guide to finish each other’s sentences. The included card had sentence starters that you read to your partner and they finished the sentence how they thought you would answer it. It was an interesting way to get to know the way we think of each other.

The reindeer were made from pretzels, rolos, cinnamon candies and candy eyeballs. The effect was really cute, but my pictures had terrible lighting. The picture you see below is the goofiest looking reindeer of the bunch – cross-eyed and drooling caramel. This was our favorite activity in the box, but there weren’t quite enough pretzels to do a full 16 reindeer. Luckily, we had the same brand and size pretzels sitting in our kitchen from another Christmas baking session. The finished product was cute and tasty.

I don’t think this month’s products added up to the price of the box, but they did send name brand goodies and having someone else plan a unique date for us each month is worth some extra cash to me. DateBox Club always sends high-quality items and fun activities and they cost less than a night at the movies.

If you want to purchase DateBox Club’s January "The Story of Us" box for $35 plus $1.99 shipping, click here to explore their website.