On Jan. 10, Warner Bros. Pictures released a tension-filled thriller starring Ben Affleck and Anna Kendrick. The Accountant is the story of the lows a person can choose to sink to for normalcy and, ultimately, possible redemption.
Affleck was mostly believable in his portrayal of Wolff. We feel for him with his abnormal upbringing and family issues. As the story moves on, his life changes some but if it’s permanent, it’s hard to tell. J.K. Simmons was great as Treasury Department Agent Ray King. His character had more depth than the leads making him truly human. As for Kendrick, this wasn’t her greatest movie, but she played her part in keeping the film moving.
Overall, I’d give this movie 3.5 stars for entertainment value. The story was fast paced, though a little predictable. It would make a great rental if you’re looking for an action flick with an anti-hero. It’s fun but felt a little flat.