I hate clutter, but feel I am always surrounded by it. Working from home, with two kids in multiple activities and a couple of hoarders in the house the mess can seem inescapable.

The general advice of having baskets for things, doing a little bit at a time, focus on one room at a time that's all well and good, but it doesn't really scream MOTIVATE ME!

So I wanted to find out from some experts some ways to really push through when the one room is a nightmare, how to focus on keeping things clean and if there was any psychology involved in cleanliness. I also wanted to know ways to keep things without having shelves overflowing with rarely-touched memories.

I will say that after going through all the advice I knew what to do, but HOW to do it wasn't really clicking. My first project is actually to expand my home office into a workspace not just for me but for my family. As the kids get older and have more homework and bigger projects and there are no Legos or Barbie shoes to step on, I have the space for the first time to accomplish this. It also means I get to stare at my elliptical during the day and maybe even start using it again.

Here's what I learned and some solutions and products to help along the way.

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