Happy National Almond Day!

Today, Feb. 16, marks the day to celebrate this little food that has super powers. With a history that dates back to ancient times, it is generally believed that almonds are one of the earliest foods to be cultivated by mankind. It is no wonder this little tree fruit is so largely incorporated in meals, snacks, cocktails and our favorite desserts!

Before almond trees made their way to California, they are originally from central and southwest Asia. Since they can grow in ditches, they spread easily and quickly. In fact, this is probably why they have become a staple food around the world.

Not only are they a tasty snack, but there are so many health benefits from eating almonds! They are one of the most heart-friendly foods filled with fibre. According to the FDA, eating a handful of almonds a day may reduce the risk of heart disease. They also regulate blood pressure because they are high in potassium and low in sodium. What's not to love?

Whether you use almond milk, paste, oil or flour, it is obvious foodies are going nuts today. In fact, here are 10 almond desserts that you must try in honor of today!

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