A few years back, we celebrated the beginning of Once Upon a Time’s fourth season with a top 10 list of our favorite kisses. The list showcased the show’s main cannon couples, including Snow White and Prince Charming (Snowing), Rumpelstiltskin and Belle (Rumbelle), Captain Hook and Emma Swan (Captain Swan), and Robin Hood and Regina (Outlaw Queen). However, we also included a few kisses that were just too intense to ignore.

With Once Upon a Time now half way through its sixth season and Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we thought it would be a good time to review this staple of the show: true love’s kiss. Although, just as with the original list, we had to include a few extra entertaining smooches.

With this list, TheCelebrityCafe.com wishes all our fellow Oncers a very happy Valentine’s Day. We hope you enjoy both lists (there are no duplicates). Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, and let us know if you have a favorite on screen kiss that didn’t make either list. Using your input, we might just have to make another lovely lip locking list!

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