Most people get a majority of their protein for the day during supper. But recent studies provide evidence that shows how eating A high-protein breakfast is better for your health.

Not only is breakfast the most important meal of the day, but it also helps us maintain a healthy weight. There is a study that dates back to the 1960s that proves the long-term benefits of eating breakfast, along with a balanced diet, moderate exercise and a consistent amount of sleep is very beneficial. In fact, the "Alameda" study recognizes the importance of daily practices to maintain good health for a longer life.

But there were people challenging this claiming that those who skip breakfast did not prove to be any more or less healthy than people who ate breakfast. As a result, a new study suggests that it is not when one consumes the first meal of their day, rather it is about what they chose to consume.

According to a recent study from 2015, eating a breakfast that has a large quantity of protein is better for weight management, all day snacking and reduction in daily hunger. Here are the top six reasons why high-protein breakfasts are more beneficial.

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