You read that right! Former reality star Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi of MTV's Jersey Shore has inspired a bill that is being voted on.

A new bill, which is being voted on by a Democrat-oriented Assembly in New Jersey, was inspired by Snooki. She didn't write the bill, or lobby for it, she was simply the reason behind the bill's existence. The legislation was brought forth by Republican Assemblyman John DiMaio.

The bill states that the monetary payment given to a speaker at a New Jersey university cannot exceed $10,000 of state (taxpayer's) money.

What does this have to do with Snooki? Well, back in 2011, during her peak of fame, she was paid $32,000 to give a speech at Rutgers University for their commencement. $32,000 is quite the hefty paycheck considering this woman made her fame by being publicly intoxicated (which she was arrested for) and indulging in promiscuous acts on national television.

Assemblyman DiMaio has contended it is "ludicrous and wasteful" to excessively spend the taxpayer's dollar to compensate public speeches made at institutions of higher education. As for Snooki, however, she probably isn't phased at all by this new bill, as she is too busy being a wife, mother, promoting her clothing line, being a Flat Tea Tummy sponsor and well, posting sexy selfies all while doing it.