Mother’s Day is all about celebrating moms, but the special day usually includes spending time with the children. Which is great, don’t get me wrong. But sometimes moms need some me time, which, let’s be honest, it practically non-existent.

For me, working from home is great, but adulting is never on the schedule. There are days when even Candy Crush is not on the schedule.

So I wanted to talk about what moms could wish for for Mother’s Day beyond breakfast in bed, brunch or even the jewelry that has baby names and booties (which I love and still wear!) Homemade cards will always be welcome!

A few of these items are for moms to pick up for themselves to make life easier, especially the moms-to-be who can still pee by themselves. Seriously, even if it is every 10 minutes, enjoy it! But mostly, these are items to give moms moments to pamper themselves all year round with minimal effort or mess.

Click next to see what I’ve found.

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